QRS Technologies, Inc. is a medical device manufacturer dedicated to brining leading edge medical electronic technology into the marketplace. QRST is the technological leader in ambulatory electrocardiography including transtelephonic pacemaker follow-up equipment, cardiac event detection (arrhythmia monitoring) and Holter monitoring systems.
Pacemaker Follow-up

The PSD 410 Pacemaker Transmitter provides the easiest and most accurate follow-up of pacemaker patients. The PSD 410 digitizes the incoming signal and translates it to a frequency synthesized output that will result in a clear ECG recording with identically consistent pacemaker enhancements.

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Cardiac Event Detection
(Loop Monitoring)

QRST announces the latest in transtelephonic ECG monitoring. Designed to document symptomatic cardiac events, The Model 1200m Cardiac Event Monitor captures the electrocardiographic activity before and after the symptom occurs (memory looping). Ergonomically designed, the Model 1200m offers simple two-button operation in a monitor the size of a pager.

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Cardiac Event Detection

The QRST Model 1000 Post-Symptom Event Recorder is a compact, lightweight transtelephonic ECG recorder for documenting post-symptom cardiac activity. The monitor is designed for the easiest patient operation, featuring an auto-erase option, a battery life of over 500 events, and computer-controlled baseline correction.

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Transtelephonic Receiver

QRST is pleased to introduce the latest in cardiac event receiving software. The Model 1200 Transtelephonic Receiver provides a low-cost, reliable software solution while building a robust patient database. Designed for ease of use, the Model 1200 Transtelephonic Receiver offers a simple, one-screen operation along with powerful editing tools to assist in the fastest generation of event reports.

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QRS Technologies, Inc.
549 Electronics Parkway
Liverpool, New York 13088 USA
Tel: 315.885.6400

© QRS Technologies, Inc. 2020